The Artist Marketplace Cene knjiga umetnika

Centar za umetnost knjige (The Center for Book Arts) iz Njujorka, poslao je mail svojim članovima da posete sajt The Artist Marketplace, gde takođe mogu pronaći poklone za božićne praznike te nekoga obradovati umetničkom knjigom. Pored toga što je zanimljivo pregledati umetničke knjige, zanimnjivo je i videti njihove cene.

Re-Breaking the Codex, Doug Beube, 2013
Re-Breaking the Codex, Doug Beube, 2013
Re-Breaking the Codex, Doug Beube, 2013
Re-Breaking the Codex, Doug Beube, 2013
Plum Colored Regret, Lynne Avadenka, 2007
Plum Colored Regret, Lynne Avadenka, 2007
Plum Colored Regret, Lynne Avadenka, 2007
Plum Colored Regret, Lynne Avadenka, 2007
Jerusalem Calendar, Lynne Avadenka
Jerusalem Calendar, Lynne Avadenka
Jerusalem Calendar, Lynne Avadenka
Jerusalem Calendar, Lynne Avadenka
Jerusalem Calendar, Lynne Avadenka
Jerusalem Calendar, Lynne Avadenka
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Malaga/Birthplace of Picasso, Carole P. Kunstadt, 2012
Reading the I Ching: 22 (Grace)/55 (Abundance), Su Lund, 2014
Reading the I Ching: 22 (Grace)/55 (Abundance), Su Lund, 2014
Wreckollections, Rosaire Appel
Wreckollections, Rosaire Appel
Wreckollections, Rosaire Appel
Wreckollections, Rosaire Appel

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