Digital Book Awards je nagrada koja se dodeljuje svake godine u 15 kategorija, a koja prati najsavremenija izdanja u oblasti digitalnog izdavaštva koje podrazumeva dizajn, tehnološke inovacije, načine čitanja i sl.
Izdvajamo nekoliko kategorija a kompletnu listu možete pogledati na sajtu konferencije u okviru koje su nagrade dodeljivane.
Kategorija: Ebook Cover Design
—Double Double, And Then Story Designers
—I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, The Secret Mountain
—The Mozart Project, Pipedreams Media
—Twice Upon a Time: Listening to New York, Atavist Books
—Yosemite: A Storied Landscape, 36 Views > pobednik u kategoriji
Kategorija: Ebook – Flowable: Adult Fiction
—An October Bride, HarperCollins Christian Publishing
—Chinese Whispers, Open Road Integrated Media > pobednik u kategoriji
—Diamonds in the Sky, booksBnimble
—Lunation, HarperCollins Publishers Australia
—Metaphysical Dog, Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Kategorija: Ebook – Flowable: Adult Nonfiction
—Immigration, InterVarsity
—Teach Us To Want, InterVarsity Press
—The Hall: A Celebration of Baseball’s Greats: In Stories and Images, the Complete Roster of Inductees, Little, Brown, and Company
—The Social Entrepreneur’s Playbook Pressure Test: Plan, Launch and Scale Your Enterprise, Expanded Edition, Wharton Digital Press
—Women in Clothes, Penguin Group LLC, a Penguin Random House company > pobednik u kategoriji
Kategorija: Ebook – Flowable: Children
—Benji Franklin: Kid Zillionaire, Capstone Young Readers
—Severn Suzuki and the Day She Silenced the World, Second Story Press
—The Staff of Serapis, Disney Publishing Worldwide
—You Choose: Scooby-Doo!: The Terror of the Bigfoot Beast, Capstone Young Readers > pobednik u kategoriji
Kategorija: App: Adult Fiction
—SHERLOCK: Interactive Adventure, HAAB Entertainment
—The Garden by Ishion Hutchinson, Rocket Chair Media
—The Hope We Seek by Rich Shapero, Too Far Media > pobednik u kategoriji
Kategorija: App: Adult Nonfiction
—Incredible Numbers, Touchpress and Profile Books > pobednik u kategoriji
—Notions+: Our Curious Culture of Consumption, 24 Notions, LLC
—The Blender Girl, Ten Speed Press
—The Mozart Project, Pipedreams Media
Kategorija: App: Children
—Epic!, Epic! app
—Jack and the Beanstalk, Nosy Crow
—Loose Strands, Darned Sock Productions > pobednik u kategoriji
—Love: The App, Pablo Curti